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Eduardo Silva

Eduardo Silva graduated in the integrated master course of biomedical engineering and is currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Digital Media at FEUP. With the theme “On forecasting emergency department visits”, his dissertation is focused on the construction and analysis of forecasting systems for healthcare demand in the emergency department, where it was possible to embark on the area of data science, classical or machine learning forecasting techniques, thus expanding an already vast area of knowledge.

Duarte Sousa

Duarte is a LARSyS/INESC-ID researcher with an MSc in Interactive Media Design, blending HCI, Design Research, and User-Centered Design. Currently, he is exploring AI-powered approaches to enhance knowledge personalisation through transdisciplinary methods.

Daniela Lopes

I am a doctoral student currently working on the DAnon research project funded by CMU Portugal at INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico. I received my BSc and MSc degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Técnico and specializing in Cyber Security and Distributed Systems. My main motivation is protecting users from censorship, privacy violations, and crime on the web.

António Brito

António is currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program in Information Science and Technology at ISCTE. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering from ISCTE. His research interests lie in spectrum sensing and sharing in future networks and establishing new public policies to use the spectrum more efficiently.

Afonso Carvalho

After finishing my integrated Masters in 2021 from the University of Coimbra in Portugal and working for 8 months as a researcher, I am now starting my doctoral path with the CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering on forestry robotics, with a workplan entitled “Efficient Large-Scale Mapping and Path Planning in Forest Environments”.

Tamás Karácsony

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Carnegie Mellon Portugal affiliated Ph.D. (CMU Portugal) program in the Doctoral Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (PDEEC), at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal, and a researcher at INESC-TEC in the Center for Biomedical Engineering Research (C-BER).

Shuhao Ma

Now I am an HCI design researcher at ITI, LARSyS. Before joining the CMU Portugal program, I got my master degree in design at Tongji University and experienced multiple digital projects (Social media, social innovation and sustainability, etc.) with my interaction design skills in China. My current research is triggered by digital technologies, HCI, sustainability, and multi-disciplinary practices. I appreciated the opportunity and am glad to meet the fabulous network.

Ricardo Brancas

My research focuses on helping programmers and non-programmes on their daily tasks, by leveraging Program Synthesis and Program Repair techniques. Some of my other research interests include Formal Methods and Compilers.

Maria Eduarda Andrada

I am a doctoral student of the CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. in Robotics with the supervision of Dr. David Portugal (ISR-UC), Dr. Joao Filipe Ferreira (NTU-UK) and Dr. George Kantor (CMU-US). I received my Masters from University of Genova (UNIGE) in Robotics Engineering and my Bachelor’s from the University of South Florida.