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Pedro Ferreira

Electric Engineering and Computer Science MSc. who has information and interaction technologies for childhood education as a main research interest. His doctoral work regards the co-design of a playful informal learning management system for primary education – a tool to help integrate everyday and implicit learning activities into educational systems and, by introducing interactive narratives set in fantastical universes starring characters to whom children are bonded by their learning, engage children in the management of these activities. The CMU Portugal program provided a unique opportunity to work with a reference scholar, and respective research group, on the topic of transformational play.

Research topics:Child-Computer Interaction, Learning Management Systems, Childhood Education, Game Design
Enrollment year: 2022
Thesis: “Quero Fazer”: A Playful Informal Learning Management System for Primary Education
PT Supervisor: Cristina Ponte
PT Supervisor: Nuno Correia
CMU Supervisor: Geoff Kaufman