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Kristen Schell

Currently an Assistant Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering, my research focuses on developing machine learning and optimization models to support decision making for renewable energy integration into the power system.

Miguel Matos

Miguel Godinho de Matos received a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy from CMU Portugal Program. Miguel also holds a MSc and BSc in Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. Miguel’s research interests focus on the analysis of digitization, social networks and peer influence on consumer behavior and consumer choice. Miguel’s work has been published in top journals such as Management Science, Marketing Science, Management Information Systems Quarterly, in the Journal of Management Information Systems as well as in top peer-reviewed research conferences such as the International Conference of Information Systems and the Economics of Digitization Seminar Series of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Ivonne Pena

Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University and the Technical University of Lisbon on Engineering and Public Policy. Currently working as a Senior Engineer for KeyLogic Systems. She has worked for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the U.S., the Colombian Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission in Colombia and the United Nations HQ. She holds a Master’s of International Development from University of Pittsburgh and a Bachelor’s in Electronics Engineering from Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). She is a Spanish native speaker and fluent in French and Portuguese.

Jaime Roca

Jaime Roca

Jaime Roca is a CMU Portugal program Alumnus in Engineering and Public Policy who graduated in 2017 who currently an Assistant Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship and Marketing Group, at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. His studies are mainly focused on how different sources of technical and market uncertainty may change the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies. As a PhD student, he studied the introduction of metal additive manufacturing in sectors such as aviation or automotive and was part of the CMU Portugal Program ERI (E4Value).

Jihoon Shin

Prior to joining the CMU Portugal Program, he worked at Korea Development Bank and Korea Finance Corporation which are Korea’s policy-based financing institutions. He holds B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and M.S. in Technology Management from Seoul National University, and M.S. in Development Policy from KDI School.