They Tested the Google Glass in Portugal
The Google Glass was presented to doctoral students of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal ( Portugal CMU ) and of the Universidade do Porto. These augmented reality glasses are not yet available In the market, but some units were assigned to individuals selected by Google . The Google Glass, which was tested on Saturday, October 19 , was delivered to Ricardo Cabral , a student who is doing her PhD at the Instituto Superior Técnico and at the Carnegie Mellon University , USA, in the scope of the partnership CMU Portugal ( therefore the designation of “dual degree” ), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology . The event hosted at the INESC Porto , Porto, also served to welcome the new students and to challenge researchers at the University of Porto to participate in the challenge of developing applications for the device.
Read the full article and see the videos at Fibra (October 17, 2013), P3 (October 21, 2013), JPN (October 22, 2013), SIC Notícias/Exame Informática TV (October 26, 2013), Canal Superior (October 28, 2013), and Exame Informática (November 1, 2013).