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The Rector of the Universidade da Madeira Comments on the Renewal of the CMU Portugal Partnership

The Rector of the Universidade da Madeira Comments on the Renewal of the CMU Portugal Partnership
Asked to comment on the agreement signed between the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, the Council of Rectors of the Portuguese Universities and the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), which will extend the partnership between one U.S. institution and nine Portuguese universities until 2017 , Castanheira da Costa, rector of the Universidade da Madeira, said this is “good news”, stressing that in this area UMa is going through “a phase of consolidation.” The Dean of UMa also mentioned that today the partnership with Carnegie Mellon covers about 70 students and 20 professors.

Read the Portuguese article at Jornal da Madeira online (September 27, 2012).