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Rui Aguiar Elected to the Steering Board of European Technology Platforms

Rui Aguiar Elected to the Steering Board of European Technology Platforms

Rui Aguiar The Portuguese faculty member and researcher at the Universidade de Aveiro and Instituto de Telecomunicações, Rui Aguiar, is one of the six European academics elected to the steering committee of the European Technology Platform Net!Works and Integral Satcom Initiative (ISI). For Rui Aguiar, who has been deeply involved in the CMU Portugal Program, this election is an enormous honor, because this organization “will lead the next decade of European research on mobile communications.”

Rui Aguiar holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade de Aveiro, an he is associate professor with “Agregação” at the Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics department at the same University. He is the coordinator of a research group centered on advanced telecommunications and networking (ATNOG), and he is also responsible for the Multimedia and Networking research line inside the Aveiro pole of the Instituto de Telecomunicações. Rui Aguiar is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of ACM and a certified Engineer in Portugal. He has been deeply involved in the CMU Portugal Program, throughought the coordination of the dual degree Professional Master Program in Information Networking (MSIN), between the Universidade de Aveiro and the Information Networking Institute (INI) at Carnegie Mellon University.

In addition to Rui Aguiar, the other researchers voted to the committee are: Arturo Azcorra, full professor at the department of Telematics Engineering at University Carlos III of Madrid and the founding director of the networking research institute IMDEA Networks (Spain); Carles Antón-Haro, director of R&D Programmes in the Centre Tecnòlogic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) (Spain), Emilio Calvanese-Strinati, Smart Devices & Telecommunications strategy program director of CEA-LETI (France); Nicola Blefari Melazzi, professor at CNIT – Consorzio Nazionale per le Telecomunicazioni (Italy); and Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, associate professor at the University of Bologna – DEI (Italy). The Net!Works is the European Technology Platform for communications networks and services, and gathers more than 700 players of the communications networks sector: industry leaders, innovative SMEs, and leading academic institutions. The mission of Net!Works is to strengthen Europe’s leadership in networking technology and services so that it best serves Europe’s citizens and the European economy.

The role of the researchers will be to implement the Strategic Research Agenda, which will be followed by a public-private partnership or PPP (Public-Private Partnership, for its acronym in English) composed by 400 ICT research entities from the EU and partner countries. This PPP will lead to the development of the “Horizon 2020 Advanced Infrastructure 5G networks for the Future Internet” (“Horizon 2020 Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for Future Internet PPP”). This program is intended to provide solutions, architectures, technologies and standards to create ICT infrastructure and intelligent communications networks that are ubiquitous, robust, flexible, interoperable and cost effective.

The European Technology Platforms (ETPs) are industry-led stakeholder fora that develop short to long-term research and innovation agendas and roadmaps for action at EU and national level to be supported by both private and public funding. ETPs span a wide range of technology areas and have to date played an important role by developing joint visions, setting Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas and contributing to the definition of the research priorities including those under the Research Framework Programs.

January 2014