Faculty Exchange Program
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Deadline dates for submitting the applications:
Fall 2017* – April 11, 2017
Summer and Fall 2017* – November 30, 2016 (closed)
Spring, Summer and Fall 2017 – June 20, 2016 (closed)
Summer 2016, Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 – November 23, 2015 (closed)
Spring 2016, Summer 2016 and Fall 2016 – July 29th, 2015 (closed)
Summer 2015, Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 – February 6, 2015 (closed)
Summer 2015 and Fall 2015 – October 30, 2014 (closed)
Spring 2015, Summer 2015 and Fall 2015 – July 15, 2014 (closed)
Summer 2014, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 – January 31, 2014 (closed)
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program supports a Faculty Exchange Program, in which individuals holding a doctoral degree and affiliated with Portuguese Higher Education Institutions or Research Labs, can spend one term working in research, education and innovation at Carnegie Mellon University to experience its culture and best practices. Carnegie Mellon professors are also given the opportunity to spend time in Portugal to engage in teaching and research activities with local institutions of higher education and research labs.
The main goal of the Faculty Exchange Program is to accelerate the adoption of best practices in research, education and innovation, through cultural immersion at Carnegie Mellon University.
This unique opportunity is offered by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program to promote a positive exchange of culture and experiences.
During their stay, visitors are exposed to the same environment and working conditions as a colleague at Carnegie Mellon University. The visitor receives a formal appointment as a visiting faculty member, is hosted by a research group, joins the teaching team of a course (undergraduate or graduate level) in a specific area of interest, and is invited to participate in various activities. The same applies to faculty members of Carnegie Mellon, who join a Portuguese university for a given period of time.
* The specific dates for the Fall 2017 period at CMU can be confirmed in the respective link. All the exchanges will have to finish by December 31, 2017.
To apply for the faculty exchange program the candidates should send:
– Curriculum Vitae (C.V.);
– Leave of absence (written authorization from home department/institution);
– Support statement from the host at Carnegie Mellon University (the ICTI Office can help potential FEPs on identifying a host at CMU – info@cmuportugal.org);
– Completed application form with:
– Personal Information;
– Period of visit;
– Hosting department (Indicate the name of the colleagues that the candidate will work with);
– Work Plan (activities and objectives).
The documents should be sent by email to the National Director of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, João Claro (leadership@cmuportugal.org).
Only Portuguese citizens or foreign citizens with permanent residence in Portugal are eligible to apply to the Faculty Exchange Program. The applications will be analyzed and authorized by the ICTI Directors. The decisions are reviewed by the Scientific Directors. The number of applications funded will depend upon the scope, quality, and the availability of funds. The deadlines for the submission of applications are published in the Faculty Exchange Program Guidelines (pdf). The selection process is expected to take one month at most, and all the applicants will be notified of the results by email.
3. FINANCIAL SUPPORT – Scholarship
The candidates admitted to the Faculty Exchange Program will receive a Scholarship to cover living expenses during their stay. The financial support will be available for a one-term stay (4 months).
A contract will have to be signed with the candidate admitted to the Faculty Exchange Program. At the end of the Faculty Exchange Program, the visitor will be required to submit a one-page report describing the activity developed during that period.
All reservations and payments to cover travel expenses (air plane ticket, train ticket, taxi, etc.), and expenditures for accommodation, meals and transportation will be made directly by the recipient of the mobility scholarship. There is no need for the presentation of receipts. All the expenses above the amount of the mobility scholarship will be supported by the visitor.
Although each visitor may choose where to live, there are several housing options that are offered at a reduced Carnegie Mellon rate. There are also several boarding houses which are available. In order to have access to the Carnegie Mellon rate, visitors must indicate that they are visiting on behalf of Carnegie Mellon University.
In the following document find all the steps prior to going to Carnegie Mellon University (pdf).
Faculty Exchange Members
If you need any clarification, please send an email with your doubts to info@cmuportugal.org.
Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Mission:
The mission of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is to create new knowledge in key focused areas of information and communications technologies by means of cutting-edge research, world-class graduate education, and a close connection with Portuguese Industry, thus placing Portugal at the forefront of Science and Innovation.