2010 MSE Seminars of Software Engineering: SCRUM: Agile Software Development
Dates: November 27, 2010, 10:00h (Auditorim of Novabase/Parque das Nações, Lisboa) and December 4, 2010, 10:00 (Hotel Ipanema Porto, Porto)
Organization: University of Coimbra | Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
[Admission is free with the registration 3 days prior to each seminar]
Speed, quality and price are the words that rule the world of software development in current times. Increasing number of customers is demanding low-cost software which would be available instantaneously. A company that responds to these requests by saying “it will be ready for the next semester,” is “dead”. The world has changed! This seminar is intended for software engineers, team leaders and project managers who want to learn more about rapid software development particularly using the SCRUM methodology.
– Organization and management of agile teams
– Efficient Management of Requirements
– Planning and monitoring
– Estimate
– [1.5h] Agile software development using SCRUM
– [0.5h] CMU | UC Master of Software Engineering
– Software Engineers – Team Leaders and Project Managers
– Companies interested in participating in the program CMU | Portugal
Professor Mário Zenha-Rela, University of Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Licinio Roque, University of Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Pedro Bizarro, University of Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Paulo Rupino, Universidade de Coimbra / Carnegie Mellon University
For any questions please contact: info-mse@dei.uc.pt.