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1st Patient Innovation Awards

1 st Patient Innovation Awards
Date: July 13, 2015
Venue: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

The Patient Innovation platform has announced the winners of the 1st Innovation Awards competition. The platform’s Advisory Board, composed of six experts in the areas of technology and medicine, has chosen among 200 eligible candidacies, six winners in individual categories:

  • In the category “ patients ”: Lisa Crites (USA) with the Shower Shirt, Louis Plante (Canada) with the Frequencer and Tal Golesworthy (UK) with the Exovasc;
  • In the category “ caregivers ”: Debby Elnatan (Israel) with Upsee and Joaquina Teixeira (Portugal) with the helium balloons;
  • In the category “ collaborators ”: Ivan Owen (USA) who has helped many patients get 3D-printed prosthetic hands;

Please register to attend the event:

Patient Innovation is an international online platform and social network, launched in 2014, where patients and caregivers can share their innovative and user-generated health solutions. It is an outcome of the “The Role of ‘User Innovators’ in the Development of Telecom Products and Services” project and it is currently developed by the “TEIPL:Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy Lab” ERI, offered by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program and funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.