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Webinar #3 – AIDA Webinar Series I Improving 5G Management

“Federated Learning: Methods, Applications and Challenges” is the topic of the third session of the “AIDA Webinar Series”, an initiative promoted by the CMU Portugal project AIDA with CMU Portugal support. The Webinar will take place online on April 20 at 3pm (UTC +1) with Paula Silva (Research Assistant at INESC TEC) as speaker and Nuno Antunes (Assistant Professor at University of Coimbra) as moderator.

Webinar #3 Summary: The last few years have been strongly marked by artificial intelligence, machine learning, and telecommunications networks. As a result, several challenges arose in data science regarding how data can be accessed and stored. For example, sharing of telecommunication network data, for example, even at high aggregation levels, is highly restricted nowadays due to privacy legislation and regulations and other critical ethical concerns. It leads to scattering data across institutions, regions, and states, inhibiting the usage of AI methods that could otherwise take advantage of data at scale.

Registrations are open. 

The “AIDA Webinar Series I Improving 5G Risk Management” will count with a total of five (5) Webinars held every two months from December 2021 to September 2022, gathering leading experts from academia to industry involved with the project.

For more information about this initiative and about the previous Webinars available at the AIDA Website.

Start date

Apr. 20, 2022

3:00 pm

End Date

Apr. 20, 2022