December, 18th, 2019 I 17:00 (1h30m)
Powered by LARSyS, INESC ID and CMU Portugal with Yvonne Rogers from the University College London and Jodi Forlizzi from Carnegie Mellon University.
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User-centered design served the digital industry well. UCD is the process of designing digital products and services focusing on the users and their needs in each phase of the iterative design process. However, in the experience economy we are no longer designing user experiences (UX) with one digital artifact for one person, we are designing complex socio-technical interactions which form ecologies of stakeholders, products, services and platforms. We need to move beyond UCD and UX to respond to the new economic and social challenges and continue to design digital ecosystems that benefit the world. This requires integrating other discipliner and perspectives which are clearly reflected in this IST Distinguished Lecture: “Beyond User Centered Design”. We bring together two leaders in the field of HCI which represent a new generation of interdisciplinary research and education. A designer (Jodi Forlizi) and a Psychologist (Yvonne Rogers), two brilliant women that lead the top HCI departments in the world of Computer Science.
17:00 I “Beyond GUIs: The Next Generation of Voice-Assisted Interactions”
Yvonne Rogers, University College London
17:30 I “Beyond User Centered Design AND Design Thinking”
Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University
18:00 I Discussion (30m)
Moderator: Ana Paiva, INESC ID
Yvonne Rogers I Brief Biography
Yvonne Rogers is the director of the Interaction Centre at UCL (UCLIC), and a deputy head of the Computer Science department. She is interested in how technology transforms what it means to be human. Much of her work is situated in the wild – concerned with informing, building and evaluating novel user experiences through creating and assembling a diversity of technologies (e.g. tangibles, AR, IoT) that augment everyday, learning, community engagement and collaborative work activities. She has been instrumental in promulgating new theories (e.g., external cognition), alternative methodologies (e.g., in the wild studies) and far-reaching research agendas (e.g., “Being Human: HCI in 2020” manifesto), and has pioneered an approach to innovation and ubiquitous learning. She has also published over 300 articles, including two monographs “HCI Theory: Classical, Modern and Contemporary” and “Research in the Wild”. She is a fellow of the ACM, BCS and the ACM CHI Academy. The 5th edition of her co-authored textbook (with Helen Sharp and Jenny Preece) on Interaction Design has just been published.
Jodi Forlizzi I Brief Biography
Jodi Forlizzi is the Geschke Director and a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. She is responsible for establishing design research as a legitimate form of research in HCI that is different from, but equally as important as, scientific and human science research. For the past 20 years, Jodi has advocated for design research in all forms, mentoring peers, colleagues, and students in its structure and execution, and today it is an important part of the CHI community.
Jodi’s current research interests include: designing educational games that are engaging and effective, designing robots, AVs, and other technology services that use AI and ML to adapt to people’s needs, and designing for healthcare. Jodi is a member of the ACM CHI Academy and has been honored by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center for excellence in HRI design research. Jodi has consulted with Disney and General Motors to create innovative product-service systems.