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Info Session “How to apply for a CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. Scholarship” – Academic year 2025/2026

A new call for CMU Portugal Program Dual Degree Ph.D. scholarships will open soon, offering opportunities in 9 dual-degree doctoral programs: Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, Human-Computer Interaction, Language Technologies, Machine Learning, Robotics, Societal Computing, and Software Engineering.

CMU Portugal will host an online Info Session on November 19th at 11:00 am Pittsburgh / 4:00 pm Lisbon to support prospective candidates in preparing successful applications.

This session is intended for doctoral scholarship candidates and potential doctoral supervisors. It is an excellent opportunity to gather information on how to successfully submit your application to a CMU Portugal scholarship, allowing you to spend 3 years in Portugal and 2 years at Carnegie Mellon University.


Session Moderator
 – Sílvia Castro I CMU Portugal Executive Director

5′ – Inês Lynce and João Magalhães I CMU Portugal National Co-Directors

Welcome to the Session

20′ – João Fumega, Megan Berty | CMU Portugal Coordination Office

Overview of the CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. Programs and scholarship funding

10′ – Catarina Gamboa (FCUL/CMU)

CMU Portugal Ph.D. candidate – Experience and advice

25′ – Q&A


Registration is free but required. The day before the event, you will receive the login credentials to attend the Zoom webinar by email.

Registration Form


CMU Portugal Info Session: “How to apply for an Affiliated Ph.D. Programs Scholarship”

On April 9th at 2 pm  (Lisbon-time) I 9 am Pittsburgh, we will walk you through the application process to an FCT-CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Programs Scholarships. The application period is open until May 2nd 2024.

The fourth edition of the CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Programs Initiative offers Ph.D. scholarships in selected cutting-edge areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), related to the scope of the CMU Portugal Program.

To register please fill in this online formCredentials to join us on Zoom will be sent by email the day before the event.

Info Session Agenda

Session Moderator – Mariana Carmo I CMU Portugal Communications and Events Officer

5′ – Nuno Nunes I CMU Portugal National Co-Director
Welcome to the Session

10′ – João Fumega | CMU Portugal Coordination Office
Overview of the CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Programs and scholarship funding

5′ – Megan Berty | CMU Portugal Coordination Office at CMU
Research period at CMU

10′ – Tamás Karácsony  I CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. student testimony
CMU Portugal Ph.D. candidate experience

20′ – Q&A

CMU Portugal Info Session: “How to apply to the 2024 Call for Mobility Programs”

On March 26th at 2 pm (Lisbon-time) I 10 am Pittsburgh, we will walk you through the application process for both CMU Portugal Mobility initiatives, “Visiting Students” and “Visiting faculty & Researchers”, which are open until April 8th, 2024.

The CMU Portugal Visiting Faculty & Researchers initiative will allow up to 8 grantees to spend from 2 weeks to 2 months working in research, education, and innovation in ICT with peers at Carnegie Mellon University to experience its culture and best practices.

The CMU Portugal Visiting Students initiative will allow up to 10 master’s students or masters who have been awarded a degree in the last five years in Portugal and in ICT-related areas to spend 2 to 3 months working in research in ICT at CMU.

Credentials to join us on Zoom will be sent by email the day before the event.

To register please fill in this online form

Info Session Agenda

Session Moderator – Sílvia Castro I CMU Portugal Executive Director

5′– Inês Lynce I CMU Portugal National Co-Director
Welcome to the Session

10′– João Fumega | CMU Portugal Coordination Office
Overview of CMU Portugal Mobility Programs 

5′ – Megan Berty | CMU Portugal Coordination Office at CMU
Visiting period at CMU

5’ – André Duarte (INESC ID I Técnico) | CMU Portugal Visiting Student 2023 
Experience as a Visiting student at CMU

5’ – Alexandra Mendes (FEUP) | CMU Portugal Visiting Faculty & Researcher 2023
Experience as a Visiting researcher at CMU

15′ – Q&A

Inês Lynce at Técnico Alumni Talks – Women Edition 2024

Inês Lynce, CMU Portugal National Co-Director and INESC ID President, will be part of Instituto Superior Técnico “Alumni Talks – Women Edition”, on March 8 (12h30 to 14h30) at Técnico Alameda.

This special edition aims to celebrate the International Women’s Day by highlighting the success stories of six alumnae from Técnico including Inês Lynce (CMU Portugal I INESC ID) who will be also representing the Gender Balance@Técnico group. During an informal event that will take place during a brunch, these women will share their experience, career journeys, and share insights on their professional background.

  • Sara Guerreiro de Sousa | Innovation Product Manager at Unbabel Labs & Center for Responsible AI | Applied Mathematics and Computation;
  • Mariana Marques | CAMO Engineer | Aerospace Engineering;
  • Joana Pinto | Co-founder and CEO at Clynx Health | Biomedical Engineering;
  • Lara Próspero | Global Director – L&D Delivery Excellence at Microsoft | Engineering Physics;
  • Marta Sousa e Silva | Project Manager at Xylem | Environmental Engineering;
  • Inês Lynce |  President at INESC-ID | Co-Director at CMU Portugal | Gender Balance@Técnico | Computer Science and Engineering

The “Alumni Talks – Women Edition” is a platform to foster mentorship, networking, and empowerment among women in technology and engineering. The event is open to all, encouraging students, faculty, and industry professionals to join in celebrating the achievements of these Técnico alumnae.

More information here. 

@CMUPortugal Talk with Hirokazu Shirado (CMU)

On November 10th, 2023, the CMU Portugal Program will host the talk “Experiments with Social Coordination in Hybrid Systems of Humans and Bots” with Hirokazu ShiradoAssistant Professor of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII Institute) in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Shirado’s research is focused on the role of social interactions and technology in the emergence of social order and in the collective confrontation of social dilemmas. 

The talk will take place at CMU Portugal premises located at Factory Lisbon, in Hub Criativo do Beato. 

Date November 10th I 2:00pm 
Location: CMU Portugal at Factory Lisbon, Hub Criativo do Beato
Registration: free but mandatory here.

Hirokazu Shirado is an Assistant Professor of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on the role of social interactions and technology in the emergence of social order and in the collective confrontation of social dilemmas. He is particularly committed to the experimental study of hybrid systems of humans and machines, particularly how machine intelligence can help people address collective action challenges. 

Hirokazu Shirado

Hirokazu Shirado is an Assistant Professor of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on the role of social interactions and technology in the emergence of social order and in the collective confrontation of social dilemmas. He is particularly committed to the experimental study of hybrid systems of humans and machines, particularly how machine intelligence can help people address collective action challenges. 

Title: “Experiments with Social Coordination in Hybrid Systems of Humans and Bots”

In this talk, I will introduce my experiments aimed at examining how people coordinate with each other in the presence of machine intelligence. I will begin by discussing the findings published by Nature in 2017, which involved the injection of bots into experimental networks where people were playing a coordination game. The study showed that the performance of human groups improved when bots acted with seemingly irrational behaviors. I will then introduce a recent study investigating the social implications of intelligent assistance, such as emergency automatic steering assistance, in a novel cyber-physical experiment. Based on these findings, I will discuss my hypothesis of how AI could potentially impact human prosociality by decoupling social foci.


Directions to the Venue

ITI and CMU Portugal premises at Factory – Hub do Beato
Address: Avenida Infante Dom Henrique 151 – Hub Criativo do Beato

Google maps link 
GPS coordinates: 38.73053899302507, -9.10613987240989.

Image of the entrance:


Talk with Louis-Philippe Morency (CMU): “What is Multimodal?”

On July 3rd at 11am, Louis-Philippe Morency, Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, will host the talk “What is Multimodal?” (Hybrid), providing a look into the world of multimodal research.

GAIPS Lab promotes the talk from INESC ID/Técnico and will take place in room 1.38, Instituto Superior Técnico, Taguspark and via Zoom.

Louis-Philippe Morency was PI under the CMU Portugal Exploratory Research project AGENTS, led in Portugal by Ana Paiva (GAIPS Lab I INESC D and Técnico) focused on how humor can be used in the interaction between social robots and humans.

Abstract:  Our experience of the world is multimodal – we see objects, hear sounds, feel texture, smell odors, and taste flavors. In recent years, a broad and impactful body of research emerged in artificial intelligence under the umbrella of multimodal, characterized by multiple modalities. As we formalize a long-term research vision for multimodal research, it is important to reflect on its foundational principles and core technical challenges. What is multimodal? Answering this question is complicated by the multidisciplinary nature of the problem, spread across many domains and research fields. Two key principles have driven many multimodal innovations: heterogeneity and interconnections from multiple modalities. Historical and recent progress will be synthesized in a research-oriented taxonomy, centered around 6 core technical challenges: representation, alignment, reasoning, generation, transference, and quantification. The talk will conclude with open questions and unsolved challenges essential for a long-term research vision in multimodal research.

Bio: Louis-Philippe Morency is Associate Professor at the Language Technology Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where he leads the Multimodal Communication and Machine Learning Laboratory (MultiComp Lab). He was formerly research faculty in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Southern California and received his Ph.D. degree from MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. His research focuses on building the computational foundations to enable computers with the abilities to analyze, recognize and predict subtle human communicative behaviors during social interactions. He received diverse awards, including AI’s 10 to Watch by IEEE Intelligent Systems, NetExplo Award in partnership with UNESCO, and 10 best paper awards at IEEE and ACM conferences. His research was covered by media outlets such as Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and NPR.

@CMUPortugal Talk: “Human-Centered and Responsible AI” with Carol Smith (CMU)


On May 26th, 2023, the CMU Portugal Program will host the Talk “Human-Centered and Responsible AI” with Carol Smith, a senior research scientist in human-machine interaction at Carnegie Mellon University. The talk will take place at CMU Portugal located at Factory Lisbon, in Hub Criativo do Beato. The talk will be followed by a light lunch at the premises.

Date: May 26th I 11:30am 
Location: CMU Portugal at Factory Lisbon, Hub Criativo do Beato
Registration: free but mandatory here.

Carol J. Smith

Carol Smith is a senior research scientist in human-machine interaction in the SEI AI Division. In this role Smith contributes to research and development focused on improving user experiences (UX) and interactions with the nation’s AI systems, robotics, and other complex and emerging technologies. Smith’s research includes human-computer interaction (HCI), cognitive psychology, ethics, and human-machine teaming. Smith is also an adjunct instructor for Carnegie Mellon University’s Human-Computer Interaction Institute where she has taught both bachelor and master’s level courses. Smith has been conducting research to improve the human experience with complex systems across industries for over 20 years. Smith has been researching and advocating for AI ethics and responsible approaches for human-machine teaming and experiences with AI systems, autonomous vehicles, and other emerging technologies since 2015. Smith has been an active volunteer in technical communities and was Vice President of the User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) and served two terms on the international board. Smith is currently an ACM Distinguished Speaker, an IEEE working group member for the P7008 Standard, and an editor for the UXPA Journal of Usability Studies. Smith holds a master’s degree in HCI from DePaul University.

Abstract: Human-Centered and Responsible AI
AI-enabled systems can augment human’s work and play when they are designed using human-centered and responsible practices. Through decades of HCI and UX efforts we have developed excellent methods and practices, but the dynamic nature of AI systems requires more speculative thinking and more flexible designs. For example, we need to decide which decisions we allow the system to make; what exchanges between humans and machines will occur; how the interactions will change over time; and how we will keep people safe and in control. Particularly important is how the system will share the information that decisions were based on; how it will convey its capabilities within new contexts; and how the system’s confidence in its responses will be shared. The need for thoughtful design decisions regarding complex system interactions is not new, but the dynamic responses AI produces, and the potential for unintentional, but significant harms affecting broad populations, is new. In this talk new insights for building AI systems that are human-centered and responsible will be introduced to support you in making systems that people are willing to be responsible for.


Directions to the Venue

Address: Avenida Infante Dom Henrique 151 – Hub Criativo do Beato

Google maps link 
GPS coordinates: 38.73053899302507, -9.10613987240989.


Image of the entrance:



CMU Portugal Info Session: “How to apply to the 2023 Call for Mobility Programs”

On May 10th at 2pm (Lisbon-time) I 9am Pittsburgh, we will walk you through the application process to both CMU Portugal Mobility Programs “Visiting Students” and “Visiting faculty & Researchers” which are open until June 2nd, 2023.

The CMU Portugal Visiting Faculty & Researchers initiative will allow up to 10 grantees to spend from 2 weeks to 2 months working in research, education, and innovation in ICT with peers at Carnegie Mellon University to experience its culture and best practices.

The CMU Portugal Visiting Students initiative will allow up to 12 master’s students or masters who have been awarded a degree in the last five years in Portugal and in ICT-related areas to spend 1 to 3 months working in research in ICT at CMU.

Potential candidates will be able to attend the Info Session onsite at the ITI – Interactive Technologies Institute in Lisbon (Hub Criativo do Beato) or via Zoom. 

To register please fill in this online form. Directions to ITI, if you choose to attend onsite or credentials to join us on Zoom, will be sent by email the day before the event.

Info Session Agenda

Session Moderator – Sílvia Castro I CMU Portugal Executive Director

5′– Nuno Nunes I CMU Portugal National Co-Director
Welcome to the Session

10′– João Fumega | CMU Portugal Coordination Office
Overview of CMU Portugal Mobility Programs 

5′ – Megan Berty | CMU Portugal Coordination Office at CMU
Visiting period at CMU

5’ – Marta Freitas, CMU Portugal Visiting Student 2022 

5’ – Pedro Moura, CMU Portugal Visiting Faculty 2019

15′ – Q&A

call for CMU Portugal mobility initiatives is open

Paulo Marques Talk at CMU under the MSE Speaker Series

Paulo Marques, CMU Portugal Scientific Director and Co-founder at Feedzai, the first startup created under the scope of the CMU Portugal Program, will host the talk “From Zero to Unicorn Status: the role of AI in fighting fraud and money laundering worldwide”, on Wednesday 29 at 12pm (Pittsburgh) at CMU (SCR 265 and Zoom).

Abstract: Increased levels of online purchasing and reliance on remote banking during the Covid-19 pandemic created an ideal environment for innovative and enterprising criminals. The United Nations estimates that 2-5% of global GDP, or $800 billion – $2 trillion in current US dollars, is lost to fraud and money laundering risks such as impersonation scams, advanced fee fraud, investment scams, exploitation of government support, monkey mules and account takeovers, and falsification of financial documents. Whether or not you have been directly a target of financial crime, the consequences of global money laundering and fraud extract a social cost that greatly affects us all.

Bio: Paulo Marques is a CMU Portugal Scientific Director. He is the Co-founder and Technical Fellow at Feedzai, the first startup created under the scope of the CMU Portugal program.  He served as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Feedzai for 13 years, since its inception. Before founding Feedzai, Paulo was the Director of the Carnegie Mellon University Portugal Professional Master in Software and had a dual appointment at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Coimbra. Over the years, he led a large number of projects for the European Space Agency, Microsoft Research, and Siemens among other companies. Paulo holds a Ph.D. in Distributed Systems, and he has authored over 40 peer-reviewed papers as well as a book. He is currently the Scientific Director of the CMUPortugal program, member of the Forbes Technology Council and an early-stage investor.

More about the initiative:

The MSE Speaker Series aims to raise awareness about diversity, new ideas and emerging technology in software engineering. The program invites engineers, practitioners, scholars, policymakers, and other thought leaders who have demonstrated excellence in their careers and have acquired knowledge in areas of strategic importance to our students and faculty to the university for discussions on timely issues.