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Bicego M., Ulas A., Castellani U., Perina A., Murino V., Martins A.F.T., Aguiar P.M.Q., Figueiredo M.A.T.


pp 161



Classical approaches to learn classifiers for structured objects (e.g., images, sequences) use generative models in a standard Bayesian framework. To exploit the state-of-the-art performance of discriminative learning, while also taking advantage of generative models of the data, generative embeddings have been recently proposed as a way of building hybrid discriminative/generative approaches. A generative embedding is a mapping, induced by a generative model (usually learned from data), from the object space into a fixed dimensional space, adequate for discriminative classifier learning. Generative embeddings have been shown to often outperform the classifiers obtained directly from the generative models upon which they are built. Using a generative embedding for classification involves two main steps: (i) defining and learning a generative model and using it to build the embedding; (ii) discriminatively learning a (maybe kernel) classifier with the embedded data. The literature on generative embeddings is essentially focused on step (i), usually taking some standard off-the-shelf tool for step (ii). Here, we adopt a different approach, by focusing also on the discriminative learning step. In particular, we exploit the probabilistic nature of generative embeddings, by using kernels defined on probability measures; in particular we investigate the use of a recent family of non-extensive information theoretic kernels on the top of different generative embeddings. We show, in different medical applications that the approach yields state-of-the-art performance.