Portuguese Researcher Manuela Veloso Honored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Manuela Veloso, a Portuguese faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, and mother of the robot-soccer “CoBots” is among the 20 international scientists that were honored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Veloso is a researcher in the field of computer science and robotics at CMU, and also collaborates with the Institute for Systems and Robotics in Portugal. Manuela Veloso was named “Chair Professor Einstein 2012” by the Academy, the only distinguished in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Manuela Veloso is also a researcher of the MAIS-S project at the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, and advisor of Susana Brandão, a dual degree Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Read the Portuguese article at Expresso Online (December 22, 2011), Ciência Hoje Online (December 22, 2011), TEK SAPO (December 22, 2011), Boas Notícias Online (December 22, 2011), Diário de Notícias Online (December 22, 2011), Correio da Manhã Online (December 22, 2011), Mafra Online (December 22, 2011), Açoriano Notícias Online (December 22, 2011), Diário Digital Online (December 22, 2011), TSF Online (December 22, 2011), Renascença Online (December 22, 2011), Jornal de Notícias (December 23, 2011), Expresso (December 23, 2011), Fibra Online (December 23, 2011), Visão (December 23, 2011), Saúde e Bem Estar (January 1 st , 2012).