Crypto Summer closing session will take place on October 19th at NOVA IMS, Campolide Campus from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to mark the end of the 12 week Summer course organized under the CMU Portugal Large Scale project Bee2WasteCrypto.
However, considering the current situation we invite you to join us online through :
NOVA Cidade Facebook:
Since July, 12 masters and undergraduate students attended this intensive course in blockchain and cryptocurrencies and will now present their work at this Public Pitch Competition after four days of intensive preparation and coaching.
More about the Crypto Summer School here.
Blockchain & Crypto Currency for Waste Management Closing Session
10:00 – Opening Session
Pedro Saraiva (NOVA IMS Director)
Nuno Nunes (CMU Portugal Director)
Miguel de Castro Neto (Crypto Summer School Promoter)
10:30 – Bee2Waste Crypto CMU Portugal
Paulo Fernandes (COMPTA and Project Bee2 Waste Crypto Promoter)
10:45 – Summer School Groups Presentations
Waste2Block – A WAYT Blockchain solution to incentivize recycling
BitBin: Creating coins that help the earth –
11:45 – Envisioning the future
Scott Mathews – Carnegie Mellon University
12:00 – Closing Session
Group photo
12:30 – Lunch by Bee2 Waste Crypto Project