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Sensing and Serving a Moving City

Portuguese PI – Susana Sargento (IT/UA) 
CMU PI – Manuela Veloso (CS)

Research teams: Carnegie Mellon University (CMU); Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT); Universidade de Aveiro (UA)
Organizations: Associação Porto Digital (APD); Câmara Municipal do Porto (CMP); Veniam, Lda. (Veniam)
Main Research Unit: Instituto de Telecomunicações Aveiro (IT Aveiro/IT) 

Funding Reference: CMUP-ERI/TIC/0010/2014
Duration: 48 months 
Keywords: Smart Moving City; Sense and Serve the City; Vehicular and Sensing Network; City Behavior and Prediction; Decision support


“We are looking to the Smart City project with a new and constructive approach. We look forward to enable all Smart City elements to build the network that will connect and service the city. This ERI will be an opportunity to show, with concrete examples, how intelligent gathering and processing of data can be part of systems and computing elements. We are looking forward to contribute to making the concept of Smart City come true!” 

Susana Sargento and Manuela Veloso 

There are two common concerns among current Smart Cities projects that can be easily identified. One is that they focus on sensing or on open data initiatives, whose objective is to provide city-wide information to city end-users, which seems to lack a focus on planning and decision making and handling the different changes at different time-scales. The second aspect is that they all miss a low-cost and secure infrastructure to gather the massive amount of data from sensors in the city (fixed or mobile), people and vehicles, to be provided in the smart city platform.

The S2MovingCity will make use of our unique vehicular and sensing infrastructure (the BusNet, a city-scale vehicular platform comprised of more than 600 connected vehicles, the UrbanSense with 50 fixed sensors in the street, and the SenseMyCity crowdsensing platform in the mobile phones) to focus on providing the city of Porto with a more “effective” solution to support planning and city-wide management to improve the city comfort on city dwellers (transportation, persons, and institutions). The S2MovingCity project proposes to deliver new knowledge and a proof of concept for massive urban sensing of people, vehicles, and environment, supporting data-driven city planning and decision making.

We will pursue the challenges of this project through the following 3 areas:

1) Communication infrastructure for reliable and low-cost information gathering;

2) Modelling Data Flows, Behavior and Prediction;

3) Decision support systems.

The resulting knowledge and technologies of the project are expected to have a strong impact on society, by improving the city environment and adapting the city planning and transportation according to its demands. In terms of innovation and product, the final achievements will make the smart cities concept a reality, and keep the institutions and companies involved in the forefront of research and technology. A variety of novel services and applications will be available on the market, and, more importantly, subject to privacy issues, we will make the data available to use for research, commercial purposes and to the community.

Articles published: 

CMU Portugal Program PI Susana Sargento is the European Union 2016 Woman Innovator (March 2016)