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Ferreira M., Conceicao H., Fernandes R., Tonguz O.K.

VANET'09 - Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking

pp 53



In the absence of large-scale deployments of VANETs, simulation based research is until now the only choice available to address and validate the design of protocols in the context of vehicular networks. The simulation frameworks involved in this research have to model two essential components, namely the vehicular mobility and the wireless inter-vehicle communication. Both of these aspects are especially complex in urban scenarios. In this paper we propose an alternative approach to obtain a realistic configuration of vehicles, and the respective traveling speeds, based on stereoscopic aerial photography, that is available to virtually every city in the world. We further use the aerial perspective of an urban area to identify a buildings layer and evaluate a wireless communication model that accounts for the obstructions caused by such layer on the connectivity of the wireless network. We evaluate our proposal over the city of Porto and compare the results obtained with model-based mobility approaches. Our results show significant differences in the connectivity profile of the analyzed urban VANET.