The final reports of the projects AHA, Hyrax, E4value, INSIDE and TEIPL were all accepted by the evaluators and 4 out of the 5 projects were awarded the classification A (maximum) to 4 out of the 5 projects, i.e., “the projects scientific objectives have been fully achieved. The results show high scientific quality, including at the level of publications in international journals or other relevant indicators, and are widely accepted by the Scientific Community in the area where the project is integrated. The projects contributed to the training of young researchers and the international projection of the teams involved.”
Overall, the committee praised the scientific and technological impact of the projects.
“The project appears to be performing world leading research in the area of stretchable electronics. The work has been published at top international conferences and in top-tier journals. It has resulted in a patent application describing both a new material and a new fabrication process, and a spin-out, which already appears to be active exploiting aspects of this technology.”
“The scientific output of the project is impressive. There have been a number of deployments of the system with real end-users to fully evaluate it, and these evaluations, along with contributions involving the necessary signal processing to detect stress from biological measurements, have been published in a large number of peer reviewed venues, including international conferences (including UbiComp and MOBIQUITOUS) and top tier journals.”
“The quality of the scientific research is excellent. They have made significant progress on developing a platform for automatic diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening by creating highly valuable annotated datasets and leveraging state of the art machine learning techniques. It is encouraging that a version of the platform is already in production and they have published an impressive number of peer-reviewed publications (journal paper and conference papers)”
Review Committee:
Alex Rogers , University of Oxford
Giulio Sandini, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Manuel Gomez Rodriguez , Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Marina van Geenhuizen, Delft University of Technology
Sergey Gorinsky , IMDEA Networks Institute