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Cláudio Gomes

I have a Master’s degree in Informatics Engineering, with a subspecialty in Intelligent Systems. During my studies, I performed extensive research on the domain of Quantum Computing, with a focus on Finance. Moreover, I also have experience in Image Preprocessing, in the context of cinematography.

Sofia Martins

I enrolled in the Integrated Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP in 2016. I received my Bachelor degree in 2018 and I’ll be finishing my Master’s degree this month. My Master’s degree is focused on designing and implementing a Home Automation System architecture based on Multiagent Systems and IoT middlewares.

Miguel Ferreira

I received my (integrated) M.Sc. degree in ECE from Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, in 2020. My current researchinterests include, but are not limited to, the design and analysis of algorithms, namely sequential and distributed algorithms for network routing. I won an ACM SIGCOMM 2020 Best Paper Award.

Latifah Almaghrabi

Latifah graduated from Georgia Tech in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. She received a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from KAUST in 2020. In the Photonics Laboratory at KAUST, she studied the electrical characteristics of lower-dimensional materials, including GaN-based nanowires. Currently, she is a dual ECE Ph.D. student at CMU and the University of Aveiro. Latifah is co-advised by Prof. LeDuc from CMU and Dr. Paula Marques and Prof. Pedro Fonseca from the University of Aveiro. Her research focuses on studying and modeling ECM-based neural scaffolds for spinal cord injuries. For her thesis, she is investigating sustainable powering solutions for implanted medical devices.

Manuel Reis Carneiro

Manuel Reis Carneiro received his M.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering with a specialization in automation from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 2019. He is currently a dual degree PhD student in the University of Coimbra and the Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests include stretchable and printed electronics, bioelectronic systems and human machine interfaces, with a special focus on medical applications

Pedro Valdeira

PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a background in Aerospace Engineering. Research interests: machine learning and optimization, with a particular emphasis on distributed optimization for federated learning.