The second webinar of the AIDA Webinar series named “The impact of edge computing and 5G for Telcos” took place on February 11th with Ricardo Vilaça (INESC TEC and University of Minho) and Bruno Sousa (University of Coimbra/CISUC) as speakers and moderation by João Vilela (FCUP, CISUC, and INESC TEC).
The “AIDA Webinar Series I Improving 5G Risk Management” will count in the total of five (5) Webinars held every two months from December 2021 to September 2022, gathering leading experts from academia to industry involved with the project.
Webinar #2 Summary:
Edge computing presents an opportunity for data processing to occur closer to the source, which significantly reduces the effects of latency on applications. In tandem, 5G is promising ubiquitous connectivity, with high-speed access, low latency and massive connectivity. Telco providers face complex challenges that put the impetus behind modernizing their networks: simplifying network operations, improving flexibility, availability, efficiency, reliance, and scalability. The distributed nature of edge computing can enhance both availability and resiliency for Telcos while providing better application response times. Moreover, this enables new applications and services on the network that can exploit reduced latency, especially following advancements in 5G.
The AIDA Webinar #3 will take place on April 20 at 3pm (UTC+1) named “Federated Learning: Methods, Applications and Challenges” with Paula Silva (Research Assistant at INESC TEC) as speaker and Nuno Antunes (Assistant Professor at University of Coimbra) as moderator.
For the full Webinar #1 please watch the video: