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Videojogos 2011: 4th Annual Conference in Science and Art of Video Games

VideoJogos 2011: 4 th Annual Conference in Science and Art of Video Games
Date: December 2 nd to 4 th , 2011
Place: Department of Computer Science of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto
Organizers: Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) and the Portuguese Society of Computer Games (SPC)
[The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is one of the sponsors of this event]

The SPC conferences take place annually and are a gathering point to promote investigation as well as the industry of computer games in Portugal. The conference hosts investigators and professionals of the field for promoting work and exchanging experience between the academic community and the industry. All this in portuguese grounds. It is confirmed the presence of Don Marinelli, from the Entertainment Tecnology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University, and of Monchu Chen, coordinator of the dual degree Professional Master in Entertainment Technology taught by the Universidade da Madeira and Carnegie Mellon University.

  • Methodology in the conception of digital games
  • Interface, interaction, ergonomy e usability
  • Narrative, history and characters
  • Art, aesthetics e design of digital games
  • Experience of gaming and entertainment
  • Game evaluation
  • Serious gaming
  • Game studying
  • Social, cultural e community studying
  • Gamer studies and models
  • Video games and transmedia (cinema, comics, visual arts, music, literature, publicity)
  • Business models and video game exploration
  • Computation (graphics, affective, artificial intelligence, mobile, etc.)
  • Game prototypes and development
  • Virtual and augmented reality