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VENIAM Spin-off Wins ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Competition

VENIAM Spin-off Wins ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Competition

VENIAM, a spin-off from University of Aveiro (DETI), University of Porto and Telecommunications Institute, won the award for entrepreneurship in the 3rd edition of ISCTE-IUL MIT Portugal Ventures Competition in the transportation and energy area. VENIAM’s products are based on several years of research and development of two research teams, one led by Susana Sargento, professor in the University of Aveiro, and João Barros, professor in the University of Porto, both researchers at the Institute of Telecommunications. The teams have been working together in these areas for several years in research projects such as the Drive-In, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Carnegie Mellon Portugal program.

Read the Portuguese article at the On Line News (November 21, 2012).