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Spinoff of M-ITI selected for funding from Horizon 2020 SME Instrument

Madeira ITI: EnergySpectrum Project Spinoff of M-ITI selected for funding from Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
Lucas Pereira, researcher of Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) and co-founder of Prisma, and Nuno Nunes, president of M-ITI, gave an interview about the EnergySpectrum project which was selected for funding from the SMEs Instrument support in Horizon 2020.

The EnergySpectrum is one of the outcomes of the research project Sustainable Interaction with social Networks, context Awareness and Innovative Services (SINAIS), carried out in the scope of the CMU Portugal Program. This project allowed testing of cost-effective solutions for disaggregation of electrical signals with a project, and involved a partnership with Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira (EEM).

The proposal was submitted by a spinoff of M-ITI called Prisma, which is led by Mary Barreto, Lucas Pereira, Filipe Quintal, and Augusto Esteves. Prisma is a new technology spinoff that received support from the M-ITI Business Ignition Lab.

The € 50,000 will be used to develop a business plan for the EnergySpectrum system, which allows the disaggregation of household energy consumption, providing families access to relevant and intuitive information about their energy consumption.

Read the Portuguese articles at: Diáriode Notícias da Madeira (October 30, 2015).