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Rui Aguiar Elected to the Steering Committee of the European Technology Platforms

Rui Aguiar Elected to the Steering Committee of the European Technology Platforms
The Portuguese researcher Rui Aguiar, professor at the Universidade de Aveiro and researcher at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, was elected to the steering committee of the European Technology Platforms Net!Works and Integral Satcom Initiative (ISI). Greatly involved in the CMU Portugal Program, this position has left him enormously proud: “This election enables me and all the Portuguese scientific community to have a privileged position and a word to say in the process of defining the research and development criteria for the next years.”

Read the full article at ComputerWorld (January 9, 2014), Público Online (January 9, 2014), Sol Online (January 9, 2014), TVI 24 Online (January 9, 2014) Tribuna da Madeira (January 15, 2014), (January 10, 2014), RTP1 (January 19, 2014), Expresso Economia (February 1, 2014) and Exame (March 1, 2014).