Request for Information (RfI) for the Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Purpose
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is seeking input on the Terms of Reference for its Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives, in order to prepare a Call, which is expected to be launched soon by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. The feedback collected in this RfI may be used for adjustments to the Terms of Reference.
Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is an international partnership between Portuguese universities, research institutions and companies, and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), under the sponsorship of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) of the Ministério da Educação e Ciência (MEC).
The program targets research and educational activities in focused areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), while strengthening the connections among universities and research institutions, and high-tech companies and start-ups. In essence, the program aims at fostering economic development by creating new knowledge in ICT-related topics that are strategic for Portugal, supporting talent development, and promoting a positive change towards a more dynamic, creative and entrepreneurial environment. More information on the program can be found here .
Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives
In January 2013, the program started its Phase II (2013-2017), which emphasizes advanced education and research that can lead to significant entrepreneurial impact. A detailed description of the activities proposed for Phase II can be found in its roadmap, which is available here . The activities in Phase II are for the most part configured in Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives (ERIs). ERIs are projects in science, engineering, management and policy that link both fundamental and applied research to technological innovation and economic development. This bridging is pursued by explicitly focusing on important real world problems entailing significant scientific challenges. ERIs consist in integrated activities in research, innovation, advanced education and training of human resources, with industry collaboration and emphasis on the commercialization of technology for real world impact.
Terms of Reference
A draft version of the Terms of Reference for the first ERI Call of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is available here .
Information Requested
This RfI invites comments from members of both academic and non-academic organizations on the draft version of the Terms of Reference. Brief and bulleted information is encouraged in order to aid in the analysis of the responses.
Submission Information
Responses will be accepted until May 25, 2013, by email sent to .
Responses to this RfI are voluntary, will only be used by the program offices, and exclusively to improve the Terms of Reference.
Specific questions about this RfI may be directed to the program offices, through the email .
Newsletter of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program – April