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Porto Receives Carnegie Mellon Specialist on Dynamic Networks and Its Applications on Counter-Terrorism

Porto Receives Carnegie Mellon Specialist on Dynamic Networks and Its Applications on Counter-Terrorism

The Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) faculty member and specialist on Dynamic Networks Kathleen Carley will be delivering a keynote at the Workshop on Social Network Analysis that will be held on October 6th at INESC TEC, in Porto. The specialist will talk about Dynamic Network Analysis Using ORA, a dynamic meta-network assessment and analysis tool developed by the Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems at CMU.

Additionally, researchers were invited to present their work on Social Network Analysis and Professor Kathleen Carley will moderate the discussion.

The Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores – Tecnologia e Ciência senior researcher and CMU Portugal E4Value Entrepreneurial Research Initiative Member Ana Barros, who is organizing the session, as well as Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto Professor Pedro Campos, reveal that the objective of the event “is to take the opportunity of having an international specialist on Social Network Analysis in Portugal and to promote the scientific work collaboration with the senior and younger researchers”.

Moreover, Pedro Campos highlights that Kathleen Carley also conducts research on Agent Based Simulation, an area that has a strong connection to health sciences, politics, sociology, counter-terrorism, among others. “It is a very interesting approach on a subject that may have several applications.” The CMU Professor has developed, for instance, models that indicate the actions one should take, in order to survive to a terrorist attack. Also, the specialist “has served as a task force member of the Defense Science Board and as Committee Member on the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology”.

The session will be between from 10:00am untill 17:30pm in Auditorium B of INESC TEC.

October 6, 2016 :: Porto :: INESC TEC

Research Workshop on Social Networks Analysis

10:00am Welcome Coffee

10:25am Introduction
Pedro Campos (INESC TEC/FEP)

10:30am 1st Group of Presentations
João Gama (INESC TEC / LIAAD) – How we got here?
Hélder Alves (INESC TEC / LIAAD) – Community detection in interval weighted networks
Sara Pereira (FEP) – Herding behavior in financial analysts networks
Fabíola Fernandes (INESC TEC / LIAAD) – On Using Temporal Networks to Analyze User Preferences Dynamics

12:10pm Discussion

13:00pm Lunch

14:00pm 2nd Group of Presentations
Shazia Tabassum (INESC TEC / LIAAD) – Evolution Analysis of Call Ego-Networks
Nuno Ferreira (IN+/IST) – The dynamics of R&D network in the aeronautics industry: the case of an Original Equipment Manufacturer (Embraer) in Portugal
Teresa Farinha (IN+/IST) – Jobs relatedness and employment structure renewal in the aeronautics industry: a social network analysis for Portugal
David Aparício (INESC TEC/ CRACS) – Collaboration Network Evolution and Comparison using Temporal Graphlets
15:40pm Discussion

16:20pm Coffee Break

16:30pm Kathleen Carley (Carnegie Mellon University) – Dynamic Network Analysis Using ORA

17:30pm Closing

To register as a participant, please send an email to till October 5, indicating your name and affiliation.

More information available at:

Kathleen Carley bio

Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems at CMU