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Patient Innovation is the Only Portuguese Project Taking Part of ‘Beyond the Lab’

Patient Innovation is the Only Portuguese Project Taking Part of ‘Beyond the Lab’

Patient Innovation, the platform created for patients and those who care about them to share and access useful solutions to cope with their diseases, is the only Portuguese project part of the European tour of the event ‘Beyond the Lab: The DIY Science Revolution’. The main goal of this event is to show innovative solutions that are created out of the laboratories and research centers.

“We believe that by sharing stories of common people, we can also inspire others to contribute for a more committed society,” stresses one of the mentors of the Patient innovation project, Pedro Oliveira, when interviewed by the Portuguese radio station Rádio Renascença.

The ‘Beyond the Lab: The DIY Science Revolution’ exhibition started in Boon at the LVR LandesMuseum (Switzerland) on July 6, where Patient Innovation will be showing seven innovative solutions.

The Patient Innovation platform is an outcome of the “The Role of ‘User Innovators’ in the Development of Telecom Products and Services” project and it is currently developed by the “TEIPL: Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policy Lab” Entrepreneurial Research Initiative, offered by the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program and funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Patient Innovation will soon be creating an accelerator to transform the ideas into products, which can reach the market.

Listen to the Portuguese interview at: Rádio Renascença (July 12, 2016).