Making Computers See Like Humans Lead Portuguese Scientists to the USA
To make computers “see like humans”, recognizing the relationships between objects is the challenge of two young Portuguese scientists in the United States. José Jerónimo Rodrigues and Ricardo Cabral, who are doctoral students of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program, are now completing their internships at the Industrial Light & Magic and the Qualcomm, respectively.
Read the Portuguese article at Diário de Notícias Online (August 28, 2011), Diário de Notícias da Madeira, Jornal da Madeira Online, BIT Online, Sapo Online, Lusa, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias, Correio da Manhã, Jornal da Madeira Online, Ciência Hoje (August 29, 2011), Correio do Minho (August 30, 2011), Diário de Aveiro (August 30, 2011), Universia (August 31, 2011).