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M-ITI Selects Chris Csikszentmihalyi for ERA Chair

M-ITI Presents Chris Csikszentmihalyi for ERA Chair

Chris_Csikszentmihalyi The public presentation of the ERA Chair, Chris Csikszentmihalyi, will take place on October 10, 2015. Prof. Csikszentmihalyi has occupied the ERA Chair position of Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation since September 2104, at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI).

Chris Csikszentmihalyi was selected to take over the ERA Chair in order to promote research and innovation in the area of ​​Design and Human Computer Interaction. With over ten years of experience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, where he led the “MIT Center for Future Civic Media” and the “Media Lab Computing Culture Group”, Chris Csikszentmihalyi is a world leader in the application of technologies in cultural contexts and global politicians.

M- ITI was awarded one of the first ERA Chairs promoted by the European Union as part of the pilot Horizon 2020 call. The European Research Areas (ERA) Chair is a new measure to bridge the research and innovation divide in Europe. These grants are intended to help develop research excellence in EU Member States, Associated Countries and regions under the Horizon 2020 framework. Operating with €12 million provided by the current Seventh Framework Program for Research (2007-2013), the pilot stage of ERA Chairs will test the concept. If successful, the Commission will fund a larger number of ERA Chairs, depending on the budget of the future Framework Program Horizon 2020 (2014-2020).

According to the Horizon 2020 programme’s website, the attributed financial support is meant to enable these institutions to attract top academics so that they can compete with centres of excellence elsewhere in the European Research Area (ERA). The selected institutions then award ERA Chairs to outstanding academics who have the capacity to raise standards and attract more high-level staff as well as support from other sources.

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