Instituto Superior Técnico Ph.D. OpenDays
Date: November 9 to 12, 2015
Venue: Salão Nobre, IST
IST is launching the Ph.D. OpenDays initiative with the main goal of offering the opportunity to more than 500 Ph.D. students of socializing and sharing their research, skills and expertize not only with the rest of the academic community, but also with the several companies that will be attending this event. The four Ph.D. OpenDays will take place in a very familiar and cozy atmosphere, where the students will have the opportunity to showcase their work and directly contact and discuss their research, opportunities and careers with the attending companies representatives. At the end of each day, several thematic panels and special presentations will take place, and the Ph.D. movies will be screened. |
Several students and alumni of the CMU Portugal will be involved:
November 11, 2015 :: David Henriques will make a pitch on “Security of Cyber-physical Systems”
November 12, 2015 :: André Martins (alumn), Unbabel, will talk about “Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing”