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inRes 2014 Startup AddVolt – AddVolt Presents WeTruck on Económico TV

inRes 2014 Startup AddVolt inRes 2014 Startup AddVolt – AddVolt Presents WeTruck on Económico TV
Económico TV, a Portuguese business and economics minded television channel, featured the startup AddVolt in their segment “Novos Negócios” (New Businesses). Bruno Azevedo, AddVolt’s co-founder and CEO presented their product, WeTruck and talked about the startup’s experience in Pittsburgh, in the scope of the 2014 edition of inRes.

AddVolt was one of the selected projects of the 2014 edition of inRes, a very early stage acceleration program, coordinated by the CMU Portugal Program, for Portuguese entrepreneurial teams working in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The participating teams benefit from the exposure to a highly dense environment of world-leading research groups, and market and industry specialists, in a variety of high-tech areas.

Watch the full segment at Económico TV (October 9, 2015)