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Innovation Forum on Services and Technologies for Interactive Media (NET-STIM)

Innovation Forum on Services and Technologies for Interactive Media (NET-STIM)
Pavilhão do Conhecimento, Lisbon, February 24, 2010
PDF ( in English , in Portuguese )

Objectives of the Forum:

The goal of the Thematic Network “Innovation Forum on Services and Technologies for Interactive Media (NET-STIM)” is to gather the expertise of Portuguese research centers, private companies and government agencies in order to place Portugal at the forefront of innovation in key interactive technologies and services for digital media.

The new information and communication technologies changed completely the way we interact with the physical, human and social environment. The majority of the technological developments in this are in the last 50 years are related with the way humans interact with technology, from the mouse and the graphical user interface to mobile and ubiquitous computing devices, multi-touch screens and context-aware applications. Therefore the technology changed completely the way we interact and produce different types of media, express ourselves culturally and artistically and relate to each other in the society or behave as citizens.

Although the technologies achievements are key, the major innovations are always related to the human side. Global phenomena like media distribution services (iPod/iTunes or eBooks/Kindle), social networks (Facebook and Twitter), and new co-creation services (like YouTube and Blogging) emerge from a deep understanding (sometimes unexpected) of the way humans use technology in their daily professional and personal activities.

These services require an interdisciplinary approach in which areas like design, communication, psychology, anthropology and sociology contribute in an effective and innovative way to create new products and services that could bring Portugal to the forefront of the global economy.

For this purpose, NET-STIM forum intents to gather contributions form the different knowledge areas to foster collaboration towards a innovation cluster of interactive services and technologies for digital media using the international partnerships with Carnegie Mellon University and UT Austin to bootstrap the process. Within the context of these international partnerships Portugal already provides several world-class graduate education and research initiatives with industry and several research groups from both sides of the Atlantic. The NET-STIM forum intends to increase the critical mass of students, researchers and companies in Portugal, therefore contributing to a larger social and economic impact. Events like this will happen yearly on the hosting institutions to present results of the research and technology transfer, together with dissemination material for the general public and key decision makers.
09:00-09:30 Check-in, Morning Coffee and Networking

09:45-10:45 Opening Session
Nuno Nunes, Scientific Director, Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program

Opening Remarks:
João Barros and José M. F. Moura, Directors, Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program
António Câmara Director UT Austin Portugal

Closing Remarks:
João Sentieiro, President, FCT

10:45-11:15 Roundtable Discussion I – Technologies for Interactive Media
Nuno Nunes (moderator), Scientific Director, Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program
António Câmara, CEO, YDreams
Pedro Branco, Prof. U. Minho, Engage Lab
Claudia Goya, CEO da Microsoft Portugal
Joaquim A. Jorge, Prof. IST U. T. Lisboa, INESC-ID
Miguel Peixoto de Oliveira, CEO, Edigma
Verónica Orvalho, Prof. FCT U. Porto, IT Lab. Ass.
Diogo Terroso, CEO, NearInteraction

10:45-11:15 Coffee Break with Poster and Demo Session

Collaborative Research Projects of the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal program:
SINAIS – Sustainable Interaction with social Networks, context Awareness and Innovative Services, PI: Nuno Nunes, Madeira-ITI
WESP – Web Security and Privacy, PI: Vassilis Kostakos, Madeira-ITI
PT-STAR – Speech Translation Advanced Research to and from Portuguese PI: Luísa Coheur, INESC-ID
REAP.PT – Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL) Reading Practice (REAP.PT), PI: Nuno Mamede, INESC-ID

11:15-12:15 Roundtable Discussion II – Services for Interactive Media
Nuno Correia (moderator), Co-Director of Digital Media, UT Austin Program
Carlos Amaral, CEO, Priberam
Isabel Trancoso, Prof. IST U. T. Lisboa, INESC-ID
António Silva, CEO, Nonius
Heitor Alvelos, Prof. FBA, Universidade do Porto
Pedro Quintas, CEO, Collab/Novabase
Valentina Nisi, Prof. UMa, Madeira-ITI
José Carlos Gonçalves, CEO, Logica Ibérica

12:15-12:45 Keynote – Mk Haley – Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center
Mk Haley is Associate Executive Producer at Carnegie Mellon Entertainment Technology Center ( with experience across design, digital media and experience design; research with Walt Disney Imagineering; the Disney-ABC Television group for more than 15 years, and as faculty at several university programs for the past 20, Mk has always been thrilled to merge technology and design, and education and industry in new and engaging ways. including as a contributing author to several books on the creative process published by Walt Disney Imagineering. With ongoing roles at the Disney Research labs here at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, and SIGGRAPH, the association for Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, primarily in Emerging Technologies demonstrations and displays,

12:45-13:00 Closing Remarks
Towards NET-STIM: Nuno Nunes, Nuno Correia and Heitor Alvelos
Manuel Heitor, Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Higher Education

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