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Innovation Forum on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection (NET-SCIP)

Innovation Forum on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection (NET-SCIP)
Auditório da Universidade de Coimbra (map), Coimbra, February 22, 2010
PDF (in English ; in Portuguese)

Objectives of the Forum

The Innovation Network on Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection (NET-SCIP) shall gather the scientific community, the private sector and the main government agencies with the goal of developing comparative advantages for Portugal in new security technologies and services for the protection of critical infrastructures.

The convergence of telecommunication networks, information systems and control technologies has become a reality. The internet is more and more the platform of choice for the many information flows that support critical infrastructures such as energy and fuel networks, supply chains for materials, water and food, transportation networks and healthcare systems, as well as many small, medium and large enterprises. At the same time sophisticated technologies based on sensor networks allow for the aggregation of physical data in real time with respect to spaces, equipment and people. Given the growing inter-dependence of all these systems, the impact of so call cyber-attacks is no longer secluded to information systems and is now a real threat both to the infrastructures and basic services on which we all depend in our everyday life.

Centered on scientific and technological advancement, NET-SCIP shall promote an inter-disciplinary approach by which experts from engineering, basic sciences, economy, design and psychology come together to create new knowledge and develop security solutions for all kinds of users and companies.

As part of this initiative, we shall present a roadmap for the creation of CyLab Portugal, a consortium among universities and research units aimed at security innovation.

The activities of NET-SCIP are based on the ongoing research projects and graduate education courses supported since 2006 by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program. More than 100 researchers and about 150 graduate students are currently involved in the activities sponsored by this public-private partnership. It is our goal to continue attracting talented students and researchers from all over the world, thus gathering the necessary critical mass and ensuring high-impact contributions towards a more secure world with reliable critical infrastructures.
09:00-09:30 Check-in, Morning Coffee and Networking

09:30-09:40 Opening Session

João Gabriel Silva, Dean, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra

José M. F. Moura, Director of ICTI@Carnegie Mellon

09:40-10:00 Guest Presentation

Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon University

10:00-10:10 A Roadmap for CyLab Portugal

João Barros, National Director, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

10:10-11:00 Roundtable Discussion I – Information and Communication Security


Manuel Garcia (moderator), Portugal Telecom

Paulo Mateus, IT, IST/UTL

Tiago Carvalho, GMV SkySoft

Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University

André Zúquete, IEETA, Universidade de Aveiro

11:00-11:40 Coffee Break with Poster and Demo Session

Collaborative Research Projects of the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal program and Portuguese participation in the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission

11:40-12:40 Roundtable Discussion II – Critical Infrastructure Protection


Eduardo Tovar (moderator), CISTER, ISEP

Nuno Ferreira Neves, LASIGE, FCUL

António Sousa, EDISOFT

Maria Manuel Farinha, ISQ

João Paulo Costeira, ISR, IST/UTL

Edmundo Monteiro, CISUC, FCTUC

Jorge Rodrigues, Critical Software

12:40-13:00 Closing Remarks

João Barros, National Director, Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program

Pradeep Khosla, Carnegie Mellon University

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