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Info Session: “How to apply to CMU Portugal 2024 Affiliated Programs”

The CMU Portugal online Info Session “How to apply to a CMU Portugal Affiliated Ph.D. Program Scholarship”, was held on April 9th via Zoom, gathering potential candidates willing to know more about the 2024 available scholarships.

Under this call,  12 Scholarships are currently available for the 2024/2025 academic year in selected cutting-edge areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), related to the scope of the CMU Portugal Program. The selected candidates will be hosted at a Portuguese University and benefit from a research period of up to 12 months at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

Applications are open until May 2nd

The Info Session was moderated by Mariana Carmo, CMU Portugal’s Communications and Events Officer, who introduced CMU Portugal National Co-Director Nuno Nunes, to welcome the participants and offer a first insight of the Program.

João Fumega, CMU Portugal’s Education Officer, presented the application guidelines and main requirements.

Megan Berty, CMU Portugal’s Associate Director at CMU, spoke next on the supervision requirements at CMU and the support available by the coordination office in Pittsburgh.

The Session continued with the participation of Tamás Karácsony, an Affiliated Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at FEUP and researcher at INESC TEC, who shared his experience under the Program, from the application process to his research period at CMU.

Tamás advised potential Ph.D. students to apply as early as possible since there are several mandatory procedures (visa, housing) that need early preparation. The affiliated student referred to his stay at CMU as a challenging and very productive opportunity, and also offered a quick look into his research on bed-action recognition using deep learning

Finally, to end the session, a 20-minute Q&A allowed all participants to clarify their doubts with the panelists.

For further doubts you can visit our website under the Affiliated Ph.D. Program page, check our FAQ Page or contact us at