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FCT Funds 12 New Carnegie Mellon Portugal Research Projects

FCT Funds 12 New Carnegie Mellon Portugal Research Projects
In September 2010, the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia published the results of the Second Call for Research and Development Projects, under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program.

The independent evaluation panel analyzed 22 projects and selected 12 to be funded by this partnership. The evaluation panel included Professor Sir John O’Reilly (chair), Professor Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Professor Tariq Durrani and Professor Joel Moses. These projects will be carried out during the next three years.

The research projects funded under this second call converge on the strategic areas of the Program, including Software Engineering for Large Scale Systems, Cyber-physical Systems for Environmental Intelligence, New Generation Networks and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment, and other areas related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

At this time, the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is supporting the development of 22 research projects. Each project includes at least two research institutions in Portugal, one research group at Carnegie Mellon and one Portuguese company. A financial commitment from the industrial partner is expected, which can take many forms from direct funding to man power or prototy-ping. The impact of these projects will be measured by the successful deployment of research prototypes and the adoption of new services by companies and by building successful partnerships between industry and academia.

Main Areas

Project Title

Portugal Principal Investigators

Carnegie Mellon University Principal Investigators

Software Engineering for Large Scale Robust
Assuring Dependability in Architecture-based Adaptive Systems Rogério Neves de Lemos
David Garlan (CMU)
ATTEST: AlgoriThms and Tools for reasoning about dEpendable SysTems João Paulo Silva
Edmund M. Clarke (CMU)
Affidavit – Automating the Proof of Quality Attributes for Large Scale Software Architectures Mário Zenha Rela
David Garlan

Cyber-physical Systems for Environmental Intelligence
Novel information processing methodologies for intelligent sensor networks João de Freitas Xavier
Bruno Sinopoli
Cyber-Physical Systems Technologies for Energy-Optimized Data Centers Eduardo de Médicis Tovar
Raj Rajkumar
MAIS-S: Multiagent Intelligent Surveillance System Francisco Saraiva de Melo
Manuela M. Veloso
SELF-PVP: Self-organizing power management for photo-voltaic power plants Vítor Grade Tavares
(INESC Porto / FEUP)
Shawn Blanton
Toward Dynamic Monitoring and Decision (DYMONDS)–Based Smart Distribution Systems Luis Marcelino Ferreira
Marija Ilic

New Generation Networks and Resi-lient Operations in a Network Environment
NeTS: Next Generation Network Operations and Management Ricardo Santos Morla
(INESC Porto / FEUP)
Hyong Kim
TRONE – Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment Paulo Veríssimo
Priya Narasimhan

Other Areas Related to ICT
The Role of ‘User Innovators’ in the Development of Telecom Products and Services Pedro Mendes Oliveira
Francisco Veloso
Innovation and the Global Economy: An investigation of critical challenges for Intellectual Property, Strategy and Policy in IT and beyond Fernando Ribeiro Branco
Lee Branstetter

More information available at