Dual Degree Ph.D. Programs
Welcome! The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program is an education, research, and innovation platform that connects Portuguese research institutions, universities and companies in cooperation with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), aiming at placing Portugal at the forefront of science and innovation in key focused areas of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT).
The Program offers top dual degree Ph.D. programs in selected cutting-edge areas of ICT. Upon program completion, students receive a degree from CMU and a degree from the partner university in Portugal. Scholarships are available on a competitive basis. All instruction, both in Portugal and at Carnegie Mellon, is in English.
Meet our Ph.D. students and alumni and get to know their achievements in the Program and beyond. With an international education and credentials, graduates are in an excellent position to build their careers at an international level.
Below is a list of fields of doctoral programs available through the CMU Portugal Program, and their respective application deadlines. Each link will take you to an overview of one of the programs, containing also a link to the program’s home page.
- Computer Science: Robotics; Language Technology (LTI); Software Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) Applied Mathematics Technological Change and Entrepreneurship (TCE)
Prospective students apply directly to the program they are interested in. For additional questions, please view our FAQ page or email us at info@cmuportugal.org.
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