CMU Portugal Takes Faculty and Students to the United States
The Calls are open for the Faculty Exchange and Undergraduate Internships Programs of the CMU Portugal Program. Funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, these programs will allow the selected Portuguese faculty members and undergraduate students to perform an exchange period at Carnegie Mellon University.
Selected faculty and students will be welcomed at one of Carnegie Mellon’s department, being exposed to the same environment and working conditions and participating in state-of-the-art research projects. They will have the opportunity to experience the local culture and create a diverse network of contacts.
Read the Portuguese coverage at Sapo Tek Online (October 18, 2016), Bit Magazine Online and Exame Informática Online (October 20, 2016) Destak (PDF version) (October 24, 2016) Notícias UPorto UIP & FEP (October 25, 2016)