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CMU Portugal Program: From Graduate Education to Innovation Challenges

CMU Portugal Program: From Graduate Education to Innovation Challenges

Date: October 25, 2014
Place: Lisbon
Registration form:

Every year the CMU Portugal Program organises an event to welcome the newly enrolled students and the students that are arriving in Portugal for the first time, open also to all the students and alumni that are in Portugal at the time. This year, the event is scheduled for October 25 in Lisbon, 2014.

The CMU Portugal Program is an international community of more than 550 young and senior researchers from all over the world, that together seek to place Portugal at the forefront of Science and Innovation in key focused areas of ICT, by means of cutting edge research, world-class graduate education and a close connection with the Portuguese industry.


10:20 – 10:30 – Meeting Point at Praça da Figueira (statue of King D. João I)

10:36 – 10:50 – Tram from Praça da Figueira to Castelo de S. Jorge (route; Miradouro Sta. Luzia)

11:00 – 12:30 – Student Reception

Venue: Castelo de São Jorge

Welcome Words

João Claro, National Director, CMU Portugal Program

New Students Introductions

Student Matters

Sara Brandão, Executive Director, CMU Portugal Program

[12:45 – 13:00 – Walk from Castelo de São Jorge to Museu de Artes Decorativas Portuguesas (Largo das Portas do Sol, 2)]

13:00 Networking Lunch

Venue: Museu de Artes Decorativas Portuguesas (Lisbon)

Workshop “CMU Portugal Program: From Graduate Education to Innovation Challenges”

14:20 Welcome Words

14:40 Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Opportunities

João Claro , National Director, CMU Portugal Program

15:00 CMU Portugal Student Lightning Talks

Paulo Casanova , Dual Degree Doctoral Student in CS (Universidade de Coimbra e CMU) and Consultant at Novabase

João Semedo , Dual Degree Doctoral Student in ECE (IST-UL, CMU, Champalimaud)

15:30 Proper Attribution Avoiding Plagiarism

Luís Caires , Scientific Director, CMU Portugal Program

15:50 Keynote Speech “Making of a Spinoff”

Bruno Cabral , CTO of Sentilant and Faculty Member and Researcher at Universidade de Coimbra

16:15 Roundtable “CMU Portugal: From Graduate Education to Innovation Challenges”

João Claro , National Director, CMU Portugal Program (moderator)

Carla Costa , TCE Alumna, Assistant Professor at Maastricht University

Miguel Duarte , MSE Alum and President, Portuguese CMU Alumni Chapter

17:20 Closing Remarks