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CMU Portugal opens call for applications to eight Dual Degree Ph. D. Scholarships

The call for applications for eight dual degree Ph. D. fellowships from the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal), funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia , are open for the 2018/2019 school year.

The deadline for submitting applications for these doctoral programs, which guarantee the award of two degrees – that of the selected Portuguese university and that of Carnegie Mellon University – depends on the area of ​research considered. Candidates may apply for Computer Science, Software Engineering, Language Technologies, until December 14; for Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, until December 15; for Engineering and Public Policy until January 1, 2018 and for Applied Mathematics and Technological Change and Entrepreneurship until January 15, 2018.

Currently attending the Language Technologies Ph. D. program, Carla Viegas, highlights the fact that this is a “rich opportunity to know the world of research in Portugal, as well as in CMU.” The student holds that “this is an important experience, both professionally and personally” as she works “in a new research area that captivates interest and allows us to meet other people with whom we share the interest for research”.

André Martins, who completed his Ph. D. in Language Technologies in 2011, in the scope of the CMU Portugal Program, recently received a European Research Council grant worth € 1.4 million euros. In a statement on receiving this grant, the former student did not forget the important role that the participation in the CMU Portugal Program had, referring that “the period at CMU provided the experience of working with top researchers” with whom he learnt “immensely” and “also established a network of collaborations that was fundamental in the attribution of this funding”. DeepSPIN, the award winning project André leads, consists of combining structured statistical learning methods with artificial neural networks, applying them to natural language processing.

Since the start of CMU Portugal, in 2006, more than 900 potential students have already applied for dual-degree programs, of which about 120 have been selected.

In addition to the eight scholarships available to students interested in the doctoral programs mentioned above, other alternative forms of funding are possible, for example, through the combination of a regular FCT scholarship with additional CMU funds. For more information and to apply click here.

October 2017