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CMU Portugal: Open Session for Faculty Members and Prospective Students

CMU Portugal: Open Session for Faculty Members and Prospective Students
On October 19, 2013, the CMU Portugal Program will held an Open Session for faculty members, students, prospective students, and entrepreneurs. This event will provide insights on the CMU Portugal Program, share the story of the Google Glass achievement, as well as will present statements from dual degree doctoral students, alumni, researchers and entrepreneurs.

Date: October 19, 2013
Venue: INESC TEC, Auditorium

14:10 – 14:30 Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program Insights
João Claro, National Director, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

14:30 – 14:50 ICT Portugal Student Pitches

14:50 – 15:40 Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program and Google Glass: How the Partnership Predicted an Unpredictable Event
João Paulo Costeira, Researcher, ISR/IST
Ricardo Cabral, Dual Degree Doctoral Student in the ECE Program, IST/UL and CMU
João Martins, Master Student in ECE, IST/UL

15:40 – 16:40 CMU Portugal Community Building: Internships, Job Opportunities and Entrepreneurship Paths
Moderator: João Claro, National Director, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program
Jerónimo Rodrigues, Dual Degree Doctoral Student in the ECE Program, IST/UL and CMU
André Martins, LTI Alum and Researcher at Priberam
Inês Freitas Oliveira, MSIN Alumna and Management, Innovation and Knowledge Support at PT Inovação
Susana Sargento, Researcher at UA/IT and Co-founder of the startup Veniam’Works

16:40 – 16:50 Closing Remarks
João Claro, National Director, Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program

16:50 – 17:20 Networking Coffee with the Google Glass Demo

CMU – Carnegie Mellon University
ECE – Electrical and Computer Engineering
ISR/IST – Institute of Software and Robotics / Instituto Superior Técnico
IT – Instituto de Telecomunicações
LT – Language Technologies
MSIN – Master in Science of Information in Information Networking
UA – Universidade de Aveiro
TCE – Technological Change and Entrepreneurship