The ICTI@CMU office held its second annual student orientation on August 14th in Hamburg Hall at Carnegie Mellon. The orientation was attended by 27 students who traveled from a variety of countries including Serbia, Brazil, Ghana, Canada, India, England, China and Portugal.
The purpose of the orientation was to assist students in their educational experience by providing program history and information about academic procedure. Faculty and students enjoyed refreshments and program overviews were given by Lori D. Spears, ICTI associate director, and Francisco Veloso, program area coordinator and an assistant professor in engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon. Peter Steenkiste, program área coordinator and a professor in computer science and electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon also was an active participant in the orientation process. Each presenter highlighted various components of the program including academic, educational and administrative.
Three returning students, Carla Maria de Rosairo Costa, Rita Ferreira and Mary Alexandre Luiz Barreto made presentations which highlighted their involvement and experiences in the partnership. The students shared best practices, challenges and success stories that they have experienced since being enrolled.
Approximately 140 students are enrolled at campuses in Portugal and the United States. This year, the ICTI program admitted a total of 67 new students for both the U.S. and Portuguese campuses: 47 professional masters students and 20 Ph.D. students.
In 2006, Carnegie Mellon University and the Portuguese government, through its Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, entered into a long-term collaboration to expand research and education in the area of information and communications technology.