The Carnegie Mellon Portugal program will hold an Inaugural Symposium for the second phase of the partnership on Monday, Jan. 21 in Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, in Portugal. Titled “Carnegie Mellon Portugal: An Entrepreneurial University-Industry Ecosystem in ICT”, the event will gather researchers, entrepreneurs and students to discuss the strategic areas for the next five years. João Claro, national director of the partnership, explained to the Portuguese news agency Lusa that the key areas of work are related to the Entrepreneurial Research Initiatives, which intend to promote a more solid “bridge between science and market, to stimulate the creation and exploitation of TestBeds, and to encourage researchers to carry out interdisciplinary research.”
Read the full article at Dinheiro Digital, Visão online, Sapo online, SIC Notícias online, RTP online, Destak online, DN Madeira online, DNotí (January 20, 2013).