Applications must be submitted online:
Deadline for applications: November 15, 2015; 11:59 PM (Lisbon, Portugal time)
The Luso-American Foundation in collaboration with the National Science Foundation announces the Call for Proposals “2015 PORTUGAL – U.S. Research Networks Program”.
Researchers, Research teams and Laboratories in Portugal are invited to submit proposals for building joint research activities with partners in the United States. This program aims at promoting new or developing existing partnerships between Portuguese researchers and research institutions, and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) funded counterparts in the US.
FLAD grants up to 15.000 Euros each will be awarded to selected candidates from Portuguese institutions, to support travel, lodging, conferences, workshops, or other expenses associated with the research partnerships.
This program is expected to complement grant support provided by NSF to the US selected counterparts. US partners should be advised to seek “supplements” to their existing grants for similar expenses from the National Science Foundation. NSF grantees should submit a supplemental request to the program that made their existing grant (see for instructions). NSF grantees should also indicate to their program managers that the supplement request may be co-funded by NSF’s International Science and Engineering section (OIIA/ISE) contingent upon the availability of funds. The US researcher’s supplemental request must include funding to send a student to the Portuguese lab for at least a month.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Projects must be in the following areas:
a. Materials Science
b. Nanotechnology
c. Information Technology
d. Biotechnology
e. Environmental Science
2. Candidates must be affiliated with Research Centers or Universities in Portugal;
3. Candidates must propose partnerships with U.S. institutions or researchers who have ongoing grants from the National Science Foundation. Information on NSF Grantees is available on
source: FLAD