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21 million euros for new R&D Projects under the scope of the CMU Portugal Program

The Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal) is pleased to announce the awarding of 12 new research projects, partnering Portuguese companies, Portuguese universities and research institutions, and research groups at Carnegie Mellon University. These projects represent a total investment of almost 25M€ (private and public) by Portugal, of which 13.5 M€ come from the European COMPETE 2020 Program and from the Portugal Foundation for Science and Tegolechnology (FCT); 7M€ are through the CMU Portugal Program at CMU; and 4.2M€ from the participating Portuguese ICT companies.

The awarded projects cover the areas of Data Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Design and Engineering applied to social problems, addressing problems in the health sectors, forest fire-prevention, data management, mobility, and language technologies.

Portuguese companies lead all projects in partnership with 28 Portuguese Institutions/companies and research groups from 7 different departments at CMU. The projects will be led by top national ICT companies, including the CMU Portugal Program startup Feedzai, which is now reinvesting in R&D, Future Compta, Farfetch, First Solutions, Glintt, GLSMED Learning Health, Ingeniarius, Mobileum, Outsystems, Unbabel, DST Solar and Capgemini Engineering.

The Call for these Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects launched in May 2019 by Portugal’s ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação had an initial plan to fund 3 to 4 projects. However, recognizing the high quality of the proposals submitted, the evaluation panel recommended 12 projects for funding during the next 3 years.

According to Nuno Nunes and Rodrigo Rodrigues, National Co-Directors of the CMU Portugal Program, “it was an excellent surprise to see the number of applications, but above all the high quality and number of approved projects. We have some of the best national companies involved in the Program over the next three years, which makes us extremely excited about the results we can achieve through these partnerships”. José M. F. Moura, Director of the CMU Portugal Program at CMU, adds that “these new projects also reflect CMU Portugal’s commitment to foster the cooperation between Portuguese university researchers and Portuguese companies, promoting innovation and technology development with direct impact in the competitiveness of Portuguese companies in the global market.”

This call was launched by Compete 2020, ANI, and FCT under the “Go Portugal – Global Science and Technology Partnerships Portugal” sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Higher Education, an initiative that includes other international partnerships.

List of Projects Approved Under this Call

Leading company in Portugal: Mobileum
Partner Institutions:
INESC TEC – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores, Tecnologia E Ciência
Universidade de Coimbra
Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 883 005,93 €

Leading company in Portugal: Future Compta
Partner Institutions:
3 DRIVERS – Engenharia, Inovação e Ambiente
Instituto Superior Técnico
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 2 701 173,98 €

Leading company in Portugal: DST SOLAR
Partner Institutions:
Instituto Superior Técnico
Universidade de Coimbra
CMU Electrical Engineering Department
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 2 095 282,44 €

Leading company in Portugal: FEEDZAI
Partner Institutions:
Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico
The Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University
 Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 998 086,94 €

Leading company in Portugal: OUTSYSTEMS
Partner Institutions:
INESC ID – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores, Investigação E Desenvolvimento Em Lisboa
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 860 048,76 €

Leading company in Portugal: Capgemini Engineering
Partner Institutions:
ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engebharia do Porto
Instituto de Telecomunicações
CMU Computer Science Department
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 807 570,23 €

Leading company in Portugal: FARFETCH PORTUGAL
Partner Institutions:
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico
The Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 2 364 910,44 €

Leading company in Portugal: GLSMED LEARNING HEALTH
Partner Institutions:
INESC ID – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores, Investigação E Desenvolvimento Em Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico
IST-ID, Associação Do Instituto Superior Técnico Para A Investigação e o Desenvolvimento
Hospital da Luz
Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University
 Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 2 554 042,26 €

Leading company in Portugal: UNBABEL
Partner Institutions:
Instituto de Telecomunicações
INESC ID – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores, Investigação E Desenvolvimento Em Lisboa
The Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 2 251 038,72 €

Leading company in Portugal: INGENIARIUS
Partner Institutions:
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica – ISR
Associação para o desenvolvimento da aerodinâmica industrial
SILVAPOR, Ambiente e Inovação
The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 671 167,64 €

Leading company in Portugal: FIRST SOLUTIONS
Partner Institutions:
FRAUNHOFER Portugal Research
INESC TEC – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência
Administração Regional de Saúde Do Norte
Engineering Research Accelerator at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 791 467,33 €

Leading company in Portugal: GLINTT – HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS
Partner Institutions:
Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica -ISR
Universidade de Coimbra
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra
Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University
Eligible Investment (Private + Public): 1 755 235,90 €