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2016 Orientation Day CMU Portugal Program: at the interface between technology and society
Date: September 17, 2016
Venue : , and Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics, Building 5, 2 nd floor, room 527.
Registration: We are still accepting registrations for the afternoon event. Registrations for the morning session are already closed.
We are organizing the CMU Portugal Program 2016 Orientation Day . This year, the theme will be “ CMU Portugal Program: at the interface between technology and society ”. During the day, you will have the opportunity to get more information about the CMU Portugal Program, to share your experiences about life in Portugal and at CMU, while networking with others, and to hear some presentations about public policy issues in which technology matters and cannot be treated as a black box.
Jorge Vasconcelos , Chairman at NEWES, New Energy Solutions (bio)
José Silva Matos , Professor (ECE) and Coordinator of CMU Portugal Dual Degree PhD in EPP, FEUP (bio)
Alexandre Mateus , EPP alumnus (IST/CMU) and Policy Analyst, European Commission (bio)
Leid Zejnilovic , TCE alumnus (Católica-Lisbon/CMU) and Assistant Professor, Nova SBE (bio)
Paul van der Boor , TCE alumnus (Católica-Lisbon/CMU) and Consultant, McKinsey & Company (bio)
Jaime Bonnín , Dual Degree PhD Student in EPP, IST/CMU (bio)
Zita Marinho , Dual Degree PhD Student in CS-Robotics, IST/CMU (bio)
Target participants
All the new and current students, interns, alumni, advisors, PhD program coordinators and all CMU Portugal Community Members who would like to join the event.
Meeting Points:
For participants departing from Porto – 6:00am Departure from
For all other participants – 9:45am Registration at
9:45am Registration
10:00am Student Reception
Welcome Words
Students & Alumni Introductions
Student Matters
10:30am Visit to Museu do Azulejo and Tile Painting Workshop
1:00pm Networking Lunch
Venue: Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
Workshop: “CMU Portugal Program: at the Interface between Technology and Society”.
2:00pm Welcome Words
João Pedro Covas, Executive Director, Católica-Lisbon Innovation Lab
2:15pm CMU Portugal Program Overview
João Claro, National Director, CMU Portugal Program
2:40pm Lightning Talks
Zita Marinho, Dual Degree Ph.D. Student in CS-Robotics, IST/CMU
Jaime Bonnín, Dual Degree Ph.D. Student in EPP, IST/CMU
3:10pm Keynote: “ The energy transition: how public policies and technology create innovation – and how industry and society react”
Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman, NEWES, New Energy Solutions
3:50pm Roundtable on “CMU Portugal Program: at the interface between technology and society.”
Moderator: José Silva Matos, Professor (ECE) and Coordinator of CMU Portugal Dual Degree PhD in EPP, FEUP
Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman, NEWES, New Energy Solutions
Leid Zejnilovic, TCE alumnus (Católica-Lisbon/CMU) and Assistant Professor, Nova SBE
Alexandre Mateus, EPP alumnus (IST/CMU) and Policy Analyst, European Commission
Paul Van der Boor, TCE alumnus (Católica-Lisbon/CMU) and Consultant, McKinsey & Company
5:00pm Closing Remarks
João Claro, National Director, CMU Portugal Program
We are looking forward to meeting you!
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to info@cmuportugal.org .