Deadline to submit applications: March 31, 2014
IBM has been standing out over the years for its innovative character, and is renowned worldwide for its research and development work. In 1990, IBM Portugal created the IBM Scientific Award in order to reward works of high merit in the field of Computer Science, encouraging young Portuguese researchers to disseminate their work.
Another goal with this award is fostering the relationship between industrial, academic and scientific research communities.
Any Portuguese citizen, or any citizen residing in Portugal for at least three years, and with less than 36 years of age (completed until December 31 of the year in question), can compete for the Award worth 15 thousand Euros.
The 2013 Jury is composed of a group of worldwide renowned Portuguese scientists specialized in the main areas of knowledge associated with the Scientific Award, and a representative of the Portuguese IBM Company, S.A.:
Professor Carlos Salema (IST)
Professor Carlos Mota Soares (IST)
Professor João Rocha (U. Aveiro)
Professor Joaquim Júdice (U. Coimbra)
Professor Esgalhado Valença (U. Minho)
Professor José Fernando Ferreira Mendes (U.Aveiro)
Professor José Júlio Alferes (FCT UNL)
Professor Luís Oliveira e Silva (IST)
Professor Maria Isabel Lobato Faria Ribeiro (IST)
Professor Pedro Veiga (FCUL)
Professor Vladimiro Miranda (FEUP)
Eng. Carlos da Naia Sardo (IBM)
For more information go to
2011 IBM Scientific Award Distinguishes Doctorate of the CMU Portugal Program
André Martins, doctorate of the dual degree doctoral program in Language Technologies (LTI) from the Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade de Lisboa (IST/UL) and CMU, won the 2011 IBM Scientific Award for his paper “Turbo Parsers: Dependency Parsing by Approximate Variational Inference.” This work was co-written with his four advisors Pedro M.Q. Aguiar and Mário Figueiredo, from Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), and Noah A. Smith and Eric Xing from Carnegie Mellon University.