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1st Workshop on the Economics of ICTs(2)

1st Workshop on the Economics of ICTs
PDF (program)

logo workshop ICT 2010 On March 11 th , 2010, will be held the 1st Workshop on the Economics of ICTs at the Faculdade de Economia at Universidade do Porto, in Porto, Portugal. This event is organized by the Carnegie Mellon | Portugal Program – Instituto Superior Técnico, with the Center for Economics and Finance at Universidade do Porto (cef.up), and the Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (CEFAGE).

The goal of this event is to discuss the recent changes in the telecommunications sector: competition between networks and between operators, the after-markets, the entry of new firms and sector regulation. The keynote speech will be done by José Manuel Amado da Silva, president of ANACOM. This workshop is intended for academics, Ph.D. and MSc Students, policy markets, and members of industry.

To register please contact Ana Bonança ( .

More information available at