On May 4th, the CMU Portugal Large Scale Collaborative Project Safeforest will host a Workshop to present the closing remarks and results of the project, gathering the consortia members and a broader audience at Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica da Universidade de Coimbra (Polo II, Universidade de Coimbra).
The Safeforest – Semi-Autonomous Robotic System for Forest Cleaning and Fire Prevention – funded through PT2020 under the CMU Portugal Program, is led by the company Ingeniarius in collaboration with SILVAPOR, ADAI (Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial) and ISR from Universidade de Coimbra.
The project aims at developing innovative actions for the prevention of forest wild fires, developing an advanced robotic system for the prevention of wildland and wildland-urban interface (WWUI) fires, in particular the wide protection corridors used as a fuel barrier, in a way to control and reduce the spread of large forest fires.
This closing workshop, is aimed both at the academic sector and also at a wider audience, including key players in the forestry sector. The morning includes a more technical session with the presentation of developments in robotic systems, followed by a session focused on topics related to the importance of forest management as a measure to promote their resilience. In the afternoon there will be onsite demonstrations of the equipment developed under the project.