The Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, will visit on November 29th and 30th, the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh on an official visit.
Manuel Heitor will be accompanied from Portugal by CMU Portugal National Director Nuno Nunes, by the Program’s Scientific Director from FCT UNL Luís Caires and by the Program´s Executive Director in Portugal Sílvia Castro, on a visit that will allow to present some of the latest results achieved under CMU Portugal initiatives, namely the strong commitment in the last years in fostering relationships between ICT companies, Portuguese Research Institutions and teams at CMU through the Program’s Large Scale Collaborative projects.
The visit will also focus on strengthening the cooperation established in ICT between the Portuguese Government and CMU through the Program, by promoting informal meetings with the University’s Provost James Garrett and with the Deans of the Colleges involved with the Program. Additionally, the Portuguese Minister will also have the opportunity to gather with students and faculty of the Dual Degree Ph.D. Programs, and with CMU researchers from the Exploratory Research Projects.
In the afternoon of November 29th, the CMU Portugal Coordination office will host a Workshop with the presence of the Minister, adressed to CMU researchers of the Program’s Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects.
Workshop preliminary Agenda:
2:00pm: Session 1: Understanding conversations to improve productivity
Moderator: Nuno Nunes
Panel: Alex Rudnicky (ifetch), Alan Black, Craig Stewart (MAIA), Ruben Martins (GOLEM)
3:00pm: Session 2: Vehicular technologies, waste management and safer forests
Moderator: Justine Sherry
Panel: Mitch Small (BEE2WasteCrypto), George Kantor (Safeforest), Peter Steenkiste (FLOYD)
4:00pm: Session 3: Improving machine learning and applications in healthcare
Moderator: Pedro Ferreira
Panel: Christos Faloutsos (remote) (AIDA), Jonathan Aldrich (CAMELOT), Asim Smailagic (TAMI), Rema Padman (IntelligentCare), Carmel Majidi (Wow)
With this initiative, the CMU Portugal Program expects to identify synergies and break new ground for future collaborations.