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Info Session: How to apply for a CMU Portugal Dual-Degree Ph.D. Scholarships


At this online Info Session, we will walk you through the application process to a CMU Portugal Program dual-degree Ph.D. scholarship, which will confer a Dual Degree Ph.D. both by Carnegie Mellon University and a partner Portuguese University. This session is an excellent opportunity to gather information on how to successfully submit your application to a CMU Portugal scholarship that will allow you to spend 3 years in Portugal and 2 years at Carnegie Mellon University.

Scholarships are available in 7 Ph.D. programs: Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Public Policy, Human-Computer Interaction, Language Technologies, Robotics, or Software Engineering.


Session Moderator – Sílvia Castro I CMU Portugal Executive Director

5′ – Inês Lynce I CMU Portugal National Co-Director
Welcome to the Session

15′ – João Fumega, Megan Flohr CMU Portugal Coordination Office
Overview of the CMU Portugal Dual Degree Ph.D. Programs and scholarship funding

20′ – Jenn Landefeld | Doctoral Programs Manager, School of Computer Science and Jessica Tomko Assistant Director of Admissions, Electrical and Computer Engineering
The application process at CMU – Criteria and Guidelines

10′ – Margarida Ferreira and Alex Gaudio
CMU Portugal Ph.D. candidates – Experience and advice

25′ – Q&A


Registration is free but mandatory for the online Info Session. On the day before the event, you will receive by email the login credentials to attend the Zoom Webinar.

Registration Form

Applications will OPEN soon for the 2022/2023 academic year

Start date

Oct. 27, 2021

3:00 pm

End Date

Oct. 27, 2021

4:15 pm